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Bianca Allaine Kyne Issues Statement Attempting to Spin a Recent Court Loss Into a Victory

A little over a week ago I wrote about a significant partial dismissal granted to Marilyn Manson on July 2nd in the lawsuit issued by Bianca Allaine Kyne. First, it stated that Manson's motion to dismiss all allegations in Kyne's complaint referencing sexual abuse as a minor in 1995 when she was 16 years old was granted. Second, any reference to Kyne's own personal drawings of Manson from when she was 16 are to be removed. Third, Kyne is therefore ordered to make a Second Amended Complaint within 30 days removing all of the above. Despite this significant victory of Marilyn Manson in managing to get a partial dismissal in this case, on July 15th Bianca Allaine Kyne and her lawyer Jeff Anderson decided to issue statements spinning their loss into a victory. They argue that since Manson was not granted a full dismissal (which he was not seeking), then he lost and they won in this particular ruling. What Was the Ruling on July 2nd?   When you read the ruling issued on July

Win $1000 By Proving That Evan Rachel Wood Was Raped on Camera

Ever since I saw Evan Rachel Wood's documentary Phoenix Rising, directed by Amy Berg, I have been trying to establish the truth behind the claim that Evan was raped on camera during the shooting for the music video of 'Heart-Shaped Glasses', like she said. I have watched the video at least 30 times since then, very carefully, and I cannot find one instance that verifies this claim. In fact, nothing even comes close to it. But this is just my opinion. If you're gonna make a claim like that, back it up with some proof.

For this reason, I am opening this up to others, especially to those who consider Marilyn Manson a rapist. I want someone to prove to me and to the world, before the documentary airs on HBO, Evan's claim that she was raped on camera. I am willing to give $1000.00 to anyone who can give me any sort of convincing proof worthy of taking her claim seriously. My mind is fully open to the evidence and the money is ready to be given away. Help me to make your day a little better by submitting to you $1,000.

Here are the specific claims according to:

Evan Rachel Wood

1. "Once the cameras were rolling, he started penetrating me for real."

2. "I was essentially raped on camera."

Amy Berg

1. "Well, you need to see her face. She is completely out of it, and you need to see the extent of what the industry allowed to be circulating on the internet today. We had Evan’s blessing and permission to use that, but I think that is a moment that is really important to understand. I mean, that film set had a lot of people on it and that behavior is completely inappropriate and abusive and it’s rape, so we wanted to show it for what it was."

These are the only two people who have made the claim from the documentary.
Let me make something clear. Evan never says she was "out of it" in the documentary. In fact, she recalls it very clearly and therefore could not have been "out of it". Evan's mother Sara, who wasn't there, claimed to hear from someone else who was there that Evan was being fed drugs and absinthe on the set in order that she would be "out of it", though Evan's mother never says in the documentary her daughter was raped, but only that she was made to do things not previously agreed upon. Nor did Evan tell her mother that she was raped, according to the documentary, since Evan's mother adds: "Two days later she was talking to me about it and she was shaking and telling me everything was okay." So Sara is interpreting Evan's demeanor based not on what Evan said, but on what she heard from someone else on set. We know that Evan, according to her own writings, never told her mother she was raped, probably until 2016 when she told everyone else. Basically, Amy Berg has edited two stories together to give her own narrative, a narrative never given by Evan or Sara as a whole. The narrative that Evan was raped while she was "out of it" is one that is entirely made up by the maker of the documentary, not the subjects of the documentary. Obviously the subjects later agreed to it, but they never say it.

I would like to also add that Evan claims she was isolated from her family while she was with Manson, when this is not only demonstrably untrue, but Evan's mother admits in this documentary that she saw Evan a few days after the video was shot. If they claim this was a phone call, then it is still not isolation, and even more the "shaking" part loses a lot more credibility (you could shake from being cold, or maybe it was related to her cocaine habit, for all we know). This is one of the many inconsistencies in the documentary, but let's get down to the matter at hand.

I want Evan's claim to be shown and proven to me. Mostly because the claim sounds more and more insane the more I watch the video trying to find the evidence to back up her claim.

You can watch the entire uncensored version of the video here. (The uncensored version is on no English sites, so you need to go to a foreign site. This link goes to MTV Germany.)

Contact me at with the evidence. Only serious feedback that responds appropriately to this offer will be considered.
