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Showing posts from October, 2022

Esme Bianco Has Politicized the Marilyn Manson Investigation

  As mentioned in my previous post , Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon issued a peculiar statement on October 9th updating people on the criminal investigation of Marilyn Manson by his office. In the statement it was revealed that "our office’s Sex Crimes Division are carefully reviewing new leads and additional evidence that continue to come to our attention from the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department’s investigation." He also informed us that they "anticipate making a filing decision soon and will provide an update when that time comes." The problem with this is that George Gascon is in danger of losing his position to his opposing candidate, former U.S. Assistant Attorney General Nathan Hochman, who is running as an Independent. Los Angeles residents have realized that progressive policies on criminal justice make things worse for their city, and it appears that a change is just weeks away at the November 5th election. Will we finally be getting the

October 31, 2007 - A Halloween That Forever Changed Evan Rachel Wood

  October 31, 2007 was a memorable night for Evan Rachel Wood. It was a Halloween she would forever remember as one that changed her. However, was it memorable for the abuse she suffered that night or the fun she had? On this night in 2007, Marilyn Manson played his Halloween Show at the Pearl Concert Theater at Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. Evan Rachel Wood attended this concert of her then new boyfriend Marilyn Manson, and many of Manson's personal friends were also in attendance. Among the songs played that night was 'This Is Halloween', which Manson closed the show with. You can watch his performance below: After the concert the party was taken to Manson's penthouse. This is the infamous party where Evan dressed as a transvestite Adolf Hitler with the name "Eva Braun of the Dead" (Eva Braun was Hitler's companion and wife, she being 17 when she met him and he being 40), and her brother Ira Wood was a transvestite Nazi. Manson's friend M

A Major Contradiction in Evan Rachel Wood's Sexual Assault Testimony: Did She Suffer From Tonic Immobility or Was She Drugged?

In Evan Rachel Wood's 2018 testimony before Congress about surviving sexual assault from her domestic partner, who was not named at the time but we were later told in 2021 was Marilyn Manson, she describes experiencing something that she calls a "freeze response" when she was sexually assaulted. She elaborated on this as follows: After doing more research on this "freeze" response, I found the following information on something called "Tonic Immobility." This is a trauma response that animals will exhibit during an attack, they will freeze or "play dead," perceiving it as the best option when the animal sees little immediate chance of escape or winning a fight. The animal initially reacts by struggling and attempting to escape, but after a brief period of continued restraint these reactions subside and it assumes a catatonic-like posture which persists in the absence of further contact. A special issue of The Psychological Record , from 1977,
