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Showing posts from March, 2022

Bianca Allaine Kyne Issues Statement Attempting to Spin a Recent Court Loss Into a Victory

A little over a week ago I wrote about a significant partial dismissal granted to Marilyn Manson on July 2nd in the lawsuit issued by Bianca Allaine Kyne. First, it stated that Manson's motion to dismiss all allegations in Kyne's complaint referencing sexual abuse as a minor in 1995 when she was 16 years old was granted. Second, any reference to Kyne's own personal drawings of Manson from when she was 16 are to be removed. Third, Kyne is therefore ordered to make a Second Amended Complaint within 30 days removing all of the above. Despite this significant victory of Marilyn Manson in managing to get a partial dismissal in this case, on July 15th Bianca Allaine Kyne and her lawyer Jeff Anderson decided to issue statements spinning their loss into a victory. They argue that since Manson was not granted a full dismissal (which he was not seeking), then he lost and they won in this particular ruling. What Was the Ruling on July 2nd?   When you read the ruling issued on July

What Evan Rachel Wood Said About Marilyn Manson's 2007 'Heart-Shaped Glasses' Music Video Before 'Phoenix Rising' in 2022

Evan's Obsession With Nabokov's Lolita On July 7, 2009, after the second breakup of Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood, when she was dating Shane West, Vanity Fair published an interview with Evan Rachel Wood to promote her film Whatever Works . Whatever Works is a film directed by Woody Allen and is about a middle-aged, misanthropic divorcé (Larry David) from New York City who surprisingly enters a fulfilling, Pygmalion-type relationship with a much younger, unsophisticated Southern girl (Evan Rachel Wood). During this interview, Evan was asked about Nabokov's Lolita , since the film is about the relationship of a young girl and a much older man, and she talked about her obsession as a young girl with Nabokov's Lolita . It is clear from the interview that Evan did not view her relationship with Manson as being in the "Lolita-like" territory, since she does not even mention him. Instead she viewed her relationship with Manson as being between two consentin

An Early Backstage Account of the Making of the Marilyn Manson Video for "Heart-Shaped Glasses"

The Earliest News Announcements for the Music Video "Heart-Shaped Glasses" On Saturday the 17th of March 2007, the California based photographer Tyler Shields put out a bulletin on MySpace with a casting call for a new music video/short film, which Marilyn Manson would be both directing and starring in. It said: MARILYN MANSON IS DIRECTING A MUSIC VIDEO/SHORT FILM THIS WEEKEND AND WE NEED SOME BEAUTIFUL GIRLS FOR A CLUB SCENE STARRING MARILYN AND EVAN RACHEL WOOD. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO COME BE A PART OF THE SCENE PLEASE EMAIL 2 PHOTOS AND YOUR CONTACT INFO TO    DUSTINBLACKBURNCASTING@GMAIL.COM CALLS WILL GO OUT TOMORROW AFTERNOON AND THE SHOOT WILL TAKE PLACE SUNDAY NIGHT IN LOS ANGELES. NOTE THERE IS NO PAY INVOLVED IN THIS. THANK YOU DUSTIN BLACKBURN INK Casting ------------------------------------------- French music site Charts In France was first to report that Marilyn Manson was filming a new video, "When The Heart Guides The Hand", with James Cameron as the d

Evan Rachel Wood's Ridiculous Documentary 'Phoenix Rising' (Part Two: Stand Up): A Detailed Review and Examination

Like my review for Part One of Phoenix Rising , I am here presenting a detailed review and examination of Part Two, and will try to clarify its many errors and separate the facts from the fiction. Because so many topics are brought up, as well as left out, in Part Two, I will be giving a summary here and save the details for future articles. I encourage reading this review while watching Part Two of Phoenix Rising , since it is now widely available and I will not post many videos and photos from the documentary to supplement what I write. Part Two of Evan Rachel Wood's documentary Phoenix Rising begins on September 12, 2020. Anyone familiar with this case knows that on this day, a former crew member and personal assistant of Marilyn Manson, Dan Cleary, came forward on Twitter to lend his support to the accusers of his former boss. Evan first appears on screen with tears in her eyes, not tears of pain or sorrow, but of joy. She says she just woke up to an email informing her of Da
