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Esme Bianco Has Politicized the Marilyn Manson Investigation

  As mentioned in my previous post , Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon issued a peculiar statement on October 9th updating people on the criminal investigation of Marilyn Manson by his office. In the statement it was revealed that "our office’s Sex Crimes Division are carefully reviewing new leads and additional evidence that continue to come to our attention from the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department’s investigation." He also informed us that they "anticipate making a filing decision soon and will provide an update when that time comes." The problem with this is that George Gascon is in danger of losing his position to his opposing candidate, former U.S. Assistant Attorney General Nathan Hochman, who is running as an Independent. Los Angeles residents have realized that progressive policies on criminal justice make things worse for their city, and it appears that a change is just weeks away at the November 5th election. Will we finally be getting the

Evan Rachel Wood's Ridiculous Documentary 'Phoenix Rising' (Part One: Don't Fall): A Detailed Review and Examination

I had the opportunity to view the premier of Evan Rachel Wood's HBO documentary directed by Amy Berg titled Phoenix Rising through the 2022 Sundance Film Festival streaming service. For the premier they only showed 'Part One: Don't Fall', because part two is not completed yet. Both will be available in March through HBO.

Amy Berg introduced the documentary, and the noteworthy point she made was that Evan's movement "is a movement of empowerment." This is very important to point out from the beginning. You cannot understand this topic unless you understand Evan Rachel Wood's primary motive in coming out against Marilyn Manson. It is not so much about Manson, but about Evan becoming a powerful voice for women. She was mostly inspired to take this role after Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, as she described in an essay she wrote in 2017 for Nylon Magazine. If you have not understood this by now, then go back and read the contents of which details these things. This is what everything she does always comes down to, and she has made numerous false accusations and created false information to elevate herself to this position, and will step on anyone who stands in her way, take advantage of any opportunity to have her voice heard, and slander anyone that will get her to where she needs to be.

The documentary begins in Los Angeles 2020. We are in Illma Gore's L.A. home. Both are seen in a small office, with Illma setting up a computer and Evan going through old journals she wrote between the ages of 15 and 18, which she thought she had lost. On the walls are sheets of paper with writing, but the writing is mostly blurred out not allowing the viewer to see what is on them. So much for transparency!

With this we come upon our first red flag. Evan is seen going through notebooks of journals, but then we see that all the journal entries are on a computer, without dates. The paper entries in her handwriting look like they are on new paper, not paper from 2005-2007. As one who writes and edits for a living, I must also say that the writing style from the few excerpts I was able to read is excellent for a teenage girl. College students don't write as well. The most questionable thing these journal entries lack is any date. Who writes a journal and doesn't separate each entry by date? Also, as I read the excerpts that I have paused on my television, she writes as if she is reflecting back, as if it was written years later but made to sound like it was from that time. Two things I think we are seeing here: 1. a possible later forgery of alleged past writings and 2. a future book by Evan.

Evan begins by showing herself in photos as an innocent young teenager, first showing herself with her first boyfriend, then showing herself with Jaime Bell when they first dated in 2005. As she does this, she tells Illma how hard it is to see photos from "before" (i.e. before she was with Manson), and begins to cry. Then she reads a passage from her journal that simply says "I met a new friend", and with that her hand drops a make-believe bomb. This is the point in her journal where she begins to describe her first encounter with Marilyn Manson in 2006 at the Chateau Marmont.

At this point we move into the Summer of 2020, and Evan begins by saying to the camera, "I am here to talk today about Brian Warner, also known to the world as Marilyn Manson."

The length of the relationship between Evan and Manson as explained by Evan is extremely problematic and contradicts all facts. She says that her relationship with Manson lasted 4 1/2 years, off and on, from mid-2006 to the beginning of 2011 "when I escaped". She thus makes it sound like she was 18 when they got into a relationship, but I'm not exactly sure why she pushes her relationship into 2011, since it is demonstrably not true. I have previously gone into detail in other articles what the actual length of their relationship was, but I will summarize below.

Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood first met in late-Summer of 2006, and since her birthday is on September 7th then their first encounter would depend on that day to say whether she was either 18 or 19 when they first met. Manson was divorced that December and he started officially dating Evan in January 2007. They broke up on October 23, 2008. From mid-February 2009, Manson and Evan briefly got back together again, but they broke up with a questionable status till about April when they both went their separate ways and started officially dating other people. In November 2009, Manson and Evan got back together, they got engaged in late December 2009, and they broke up in June 2010 while Evan was filming Mildred Pierce, though the official end of their engagement was August 2010.

I want to state from this point, before moving forward, that Evan never describes her relationship with Manson in part one of this documentary beyond 2007. It's as if the rest of their relationship doesn't exist and it is very odd. She never even mentions they were ever engaged to get married. These are convenient facts that she left out, though she may address them in part two.

Illma Gore is introduced as an artist and activist and friend who Evan built the Phoenix Act Coalition with, which was organized to change the laws throughout the United States regarding the statute of limitations in domestic abuse cases.

Evan talks about how she is afraid to come out and name Marilyn Manson as her abuser because of the various threats she received against her life and that of her family. A series of anonymous messages are flashed on the screen with death threats, none by Manson but by Manson fans, though she does make one comment that Manson had once threatened her that he would fuck up her whole family starting with her dad. Of course, no context is given to this comment nor any evidence of it. This is the main obstacle she says that was preventing her from coming out against Manson by name. However, we know this is not true because she explained in 2016 that her advice for women when coming out against an abuser is to get as many women as possible together first that also suffered at the hand of that man, and when that was done they as a group should come out against the abuser, because one testimony is never enough if you want to be taken seriously. Also, it becomes clear through her words and activities that Evan didn't want to name Manson until she was an established activist during the Trump presidency.


Evan then shows a picture Manson took of her, and she tells Illma: "You can just see how young I am. I was just a teenager." Illma asks in this scripted conversation: "How old was he at the time?" Evan replied: "37." Then Evan shows a photo of herself and Manson getting tattoos on Valentine's Day (February 14, 2007), and says: "I'm so little, when I look at these pictures I'm like, 'O my God, you're like a kid.'" Illma quickly replies, "You are a kid." In this scene you see how Evan is clearly looking back at these photos of herself from 19 and 20 from the perspective of being a much older adult and a mother, and therefore she can only see herself as a kid and not a young woman. It can almost be seen here how she has deluded herself into thinking this way, and her friend Illma is encouraging such thinking.

What Evan is teaching young women here is that at the age of 18 or 19 or 20 or even 21, you are still a kid and should be treated like a kid. But when you read interviews of Evan from those ages, the last thing she wanted was to be treated like a kid. Quite the opposite. Other Manson accusers go so far as to say they were just a kid at the age of 26 (Ashley Morgan Smithline), and another claims she had the same child-like naivete at 29 (Esme Bianco). Such beliefs and excuses deal a severe blow against a female's ability to make it on her own in the world if she so chooses, like Evan Rachel Wood chose at 19 when she decided to be with Manson. If a woman can choose to look back years later and blame others for her poor decisions because of the excuse that she was just a kid, then women will prevent themselves from being held accountable from any of their choices and all blame will go on whoever they choose besides themselves. It is utterly inhuman.

The documentary then takes a Freudian look back into Evan's childhood to form a timeline of why she became such a horrible victim of abuse. It will do this for Manson too later, but his will be a little different. She grew up in Cary, North Carolina, which she describes as "nice, but had somewhat of a dark side." Home videos of Evan as a child are shown as she talks about her childhood as a young actress that came from a broken home. Supplementing this are interviews with her brother Ira and her mother Sara and her father David. Evan describes her childhood as growing up in a house of violence, where she got spanked by her parents, was slapped in the face twice, was threatened, and there was a lot of yelling and tension, especially between Sara and David, sometimes to the point where Evan and Ira would go out of the house and could hear the screaming from outside. When Evan asked why they yelled at each other, her father told her that they fight because they love each other. Sara began to regret this explanation to Evan, so they "fled" from the house with one suitcase each when Evan was nine years old and she and her mother moved to Los Angeles for Evan to become an actress. Ira stayed behind with his father because he didn't want him to be alone, and thus the siblings were separated. Evan says she and her father didn't reconcile until after she was 18, even though in reality they did see each other here and there when she was growing up.

This is where the animation/recreation part of the documentary begins to add to the dramatics. For example, Evan is seen in her nine year old animated form outside crying, being held by Ira as their parents are in the house yelling. Between the music, the animation and the old video footage, the way the documentary is put together is very melodramatic, making it almost comical at times, though you know they are being serious.

Evan's life with her mother is described by her as "enmeshed". They lived in a small apartment in the valley, with little money, they shared a room and they shared a bed. At this time Evan began to feel invisible, because she felt she had to be there for her mother who was going through so much.

Evan says she was taught as an actress to keep going through something even if you were uncomfortable. Even in the movie Thirteen, she says she was forced to kiss a 24 year old actor when she was 14 in a room full of people. She becomes angry thinking back at that situation, because Evan's feelings were never considered. Reflecting on this, she says: "That set a tone for not so good situations as an adult."

After Thirteen, Evan says she got branded as the "troubled teen". "This was who you go to if you want the troubled teen, which very quickly evolved to the little Lolita," she says angrily. Though we must keep in mind that in many interviews with Evan as a young woman, she says that it was she who considered Lolita her favorite book, and she would dress like Lolita against her mother's wishes, and she acquired a large collection of heart-shaped glasses. Here, the Lolita image is portrayed as something forced on her against her will.

On July 7, 2009, after the first breakup of Evan and Manson, Evan was interviewed by Vanity Fair to promote her film Whatever Works. During this interview, she was asked about Nabokov's Lolita, since the film is about the relationship of a young woman and a much older man, and she talked about her obsession as a young girl with Nabokov's Lolita. It is clear from the interview that Evan did not view her relationship with Manson as being in the "Lolita-like" territory, since she does not even mention him. In fact, for Evan at this time, according to the interview, the age difference between her and Manson was considered by her within the normal range. Here is one quote where she clashed with her mother on her obsession with Lolita as a teenager:

"My mother was a little worried when she realized I was reading it and loving it so much. I was home-schooled since the seventh grade, so I didn't have the required reading you usually get in public school. I got to choose which books I wanted to read. So when my mom noticed I'd picked up Lolita, it definitely made her nervous. She was like, 'I didn't know you were going to be reading that kinda stuff.' I was like, 'Oh c'mon, Mom! It's Nabokov! It's a classic!'"

Her earlier Lolita roles before she met Manson, in films like Pretty Persuasion, Running With Scissors and Down in the Valley, Evan looks back and calls them "mature rolls". "That's when the industry machine came in and saw this image of maturity, and ran with it, but I was still so young," she says. "Even though I was playing these very experienced characters," says Evan, "in my real life I had no idea who I was yet." This is a bad excuse. Some people go all their lives not being able to figure out who they are.

Another animation begins of Evan as a 12 year old girl, who weirdly blames the fact that she was home schooled that she had no sex education. She looked at her naked body and didn't know if she was normal. This confusion is depicted in the documentary as her innocent little animated self with hentai tentacles coming out of her genitals. In the animation, which is depicting a true story, she is walking outside and finds an old porno magazine on the ground, innocently looks through it, sees a bunch of naked women, is shocked, and realized this way that she was indeed normal.

Keep in mind at this point how in 2016 she talked about being confused with her sexuality at the age of 12, and after she kissed another 12 year old girl, she attempted to commit suicide. One would think this story would make it into the documentary, but in part one there is no talk of her infamous suicide attempts nor is there talk of her entering a mental hospital after her breakup with Manson. What about the anonymous man who raped her in the bar after her first breakup with Manson in 2008? These are all big events that, if true, would supplement this documentary very well. Maybe they are in part two. But even in earlier interviews she says that at the age of 12 she was a lot like her character in Thirteen, hanging out with friends and doing rebellious things. How innocent was she really at 12? Or was she lying? Or is she conveniently leaving out these facts because for the documentary the innocent and pure narrative is believed to work better for her? Evan is a woman who likes to change narratives on a whim, because she believes she can manipulate people to believe whatever she wants, especially regarding her own story, even when in the end the "facts" end up in a pile of contradictions.

Evan goes on to describe herself as an insecure teenager, unable to properly socialize with people, and unprepared for the adult world. Though she had no core identity, she wanted to desperately be seen at that point in her life. She was also bisexual, but didn't know how to deal with that. Evan describes herself before meeting Manson as "completely lost looking for direction. So I was the perfect candidate for someone to pop up and say, 'Come with me.'" Cue Manson the "cult leader".

Evan goes into some detail at this point describing her first encounter with Manson in 2006 at the Chateau Marmont. It's at this point where Evan's mother starts speaking negatively about Manson. Her father no longer appears in the documentary, so we never find out his feelings on Manson. Her mother is completely sold on Evan's story, who looks at the whole encounter more disapprovingly, because she and Evan were so attached. This actually reflects what I believe is one of Evan's primary motives for coming out against Manson. After her relationship with Manson ended, to prevent hearing an "I told you so" from her mother, Evan slandered Manson to justify her behavior and win her mother's favor instead of being responsible for it herself and being in the wrong. In fact, she probably did all this to justify her behavior to all her family and friends, and also needed to give an answer to her son when he grows up and reads all the media stories from this time. Justification of wrongs after a breakup is a powerful motivator in making up lies.

Evan describes Manson that night at the Chateau Marmont as wearing a sparkly gold jacket with rings on his fingers, and had commented to her friends that he looked like Marilyn Manson, but didn't know it was actually him. He approached her as a fan of the movie Thirteen, and asked for her contact information to talk about a role as Alice from Alice in Wonderland in his film Phantasmagoria about its author, Lewis Carroll. 
Then she reads from among the following excerpts I was able to copy from her journal for that day - "allegedly":

"I am constantly changing and constantly unlocking places in my head. Slowly making sense of everything I think.

So when I find someone who inspires me and unlocks one of these places, a place I never dared to go, I am hooked.

I feel like that person has given me the most amazing gift.

Which brings us to my current situation.

That guy I met at the chateau.

Now what's interesting about it is I had no intention of becoming romantically involved with him.

At first I wasn't even really attracted to him. Mainly because it just seemed so improbable. The thought never crossed my mind. Even when we flirted. I thought it was just friendly. I was with someone, he was with someone, there is a big age difference and I should probably mention that he is a rock icon.

Yea. Just a minor detail.

I wasn't a huge fan of his music, but I liked him and what he stood for. He really understands irony and he likes being grotesque and eccentric to make people think. To say the least it has made him quite controversial....

We met at the Chateau Marmont at some party. We were both sitting in the corner and we were talking. Really smart really talented guy. We have a lot of the same taste in movies and books.

I hung out at his house a couple nights back.

He is writing, directing, and staring [sic] in a movie about Lewis Carrol. He wants me to play an Actress playing Alice on stage.

How fucking cool is that. Its [sic] pretty funny considering that more people have told me I remind them of Alice this year than any other. It started being my nick name, and now this. Ha.

I feel like I could learn a lot from him.

I hope he could stand having a dorky 18 year old...."

When she reads a part in the journal that said: "We became good friends really fast and kept having more and more in common, almost to a scary point," Evan here comments: "Red flag!" Illma agrees.

Manson fandom is showcased at this point, concentrating especially on why young people are so attracted to Manson. It would be a pretty good summary if it wasn't so ill-intentioned, though I must say it really only applies to young people who are fans of Manson, the "disaffected youth" thing, those who are outcasts and can't find their place in the world. It reduces Manson however to only his message, which is fine to a certain extent, but he is primarily an artist, singer and entertainer, and they fail to ever mention this in the documentary because they are trying to portray him as a cult leader and not as a celebrated musician and artist. For this reason, what we get is the Manson according to Evan Rachel Wood post-2016.

Evan describes her attraction to Manson from the fact that he was "a really cool artist who thinks I'm smart and thinks I have something to say, and sees something in me that nobody else does, and that felt good. I was able to have conversations with him about art and about music and about film that I wasn't able to have with people my own age really, so that definitely boosted my ego and confidence."

This is where we come to a big revelation in this documentary. I've read many interviews with Evan, and nowhere did I ever come across that she was still dating Jaime Bell while she was seeing Manson in 2006, when he was married to Dita. Yes, Manson and Evan were only friends at this time, but their feelings for each other were growing. She told Jaime at this time about Manson as described in the paragraph above. Evan told Manson that she and Jaime were on shaky ground in their relationship, and she now in 2020 looks back and sees Manson as trying to break them up in some sinister way. Evan's mother Sara ignorantly adds about Evan and Manson: "She thought he was just a friend", implying that Manson was preying on Evan. "He has studied this," Sara says, "he has studied how to manipulate people. He's a predator. He groomed her for several months until he crossed the line." Clearly Sara has become a total tool of Evan, who made her mother believe everything she wanted her to believe.

At this point the word GROOMING appears on the screen with a definition. This is a key psychological term Manson's accusers like to use against him. It is done to add credibility to their experiences. No psychologist ever appears in the documentary. Evan is the resident psychologist of this documentary, to show how little credibility not only the accusers have, but this documentary as well.

Evan then describes her first kiss with Manson. It was some time in 2006, they had been working on Phantasmagoria together, drinking absinthe and watching movies, and now she had to go film a movie, so she wanted to say goodbye. Manson went over to her, said he was going to miss her, they embraced, and he kissed her before she could fully say she was going to miss him too. "Before I could get 'too' out of my mouth, he just kissed me, he stuck his tongue down my throat." As she is describing this, an animation recreates the scene of Evan looking like a sweet little innocent girl, sort of like a naive Alice from Alice in Wonderland, while a long black tentacle wraps around her body in a haunted setting, then the tentacle forces itself into the tender mouth of little sweet Evan. If this isn't propaganda imagery, then nothing is. Evan describes herself as shocked after this kiss. 
He is also said to have known that she had a boyfriend and she was 18, though she was probably 19. She describes herself as allowing the relationship to go further than she wished she had. She says they didn't have sex that night, but they went up to the roof and he was on top of her, and felt a little grossed out because she wasn't really attracted to him, and it was the first time a man had ever kissed her that was so old. Until then only her teenage boyfriends had kissed her, aside from her film roles. This, by the way, dispels the rumors by Evan that she was in a fling with Edward Norton.

This story contradicts a prior story Evan told of their first romantic encounter.

In the August issue of Elle U.K. magazine in 2007, there is an interview with 19 year old Evan Rachel Wood titled "Dark Angel" in which she explains how she met Marilyn Manson at the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles in 2006. The interview took place at the Chateau Marmont, for which reason she commented about a particular sofa there:

"I love this place and this is my favourite sofa. This is where I met Manson, both of us hiding in the corner of a party neither of us wanted to be at."

Evan goes on to explain in Elle U.K. how their relationship began after Manson's divorce:

"We became movie buddies until one night when we suddenly looked into one another's eyes and knew."

In regards to Edward Norton, it was always my belief that before she was with Manson, and right after she broke up with Jaime Bell in 2006, while she was 18, she hooked up with Edward Norton. Gawker reported two incidents in May of 2006:

"Saw Ed Norton and Evan Rachel Wood at the AMC on W 34TH ST last night around 8pm. They were holding hands and looking cozy while they waited for soda and candy in front of us. He paid for her diet coke and M&Ms but got popcorn (“NO BUTTER! MAKE SURE THERE IS NO BUTTER!”) for himself. We saw them again on the sidewalk after the movie kissing and smiling at one another. Isn’t she like 15? They stole the taxi my boyfriend flagged down for us. Assholes.”

“Just saw Edward Norton having lunch at the Spotted Pig at the next table over. He looked really hot and was laughing a lot, talking into his phone. He seemed really friendly and talked a lot to the waitress. A few minutes later Evan Rachel Wood sauntered in looking pissed off. She gave him a hug, sat down, and was bitchy to the waitress. I left before they did but she seemed really unhappy with her salad.”

This leads me to believe that either Evan is lying and she wasn't with Jaime Bell when she became friends with Manson, or she cheated on Jaime with Ed Norton, who was born the same year as Manson - 1969.

Evan then goes on to describe how after their first kiss Manson began to love bomb her. After reading some examples of personal notes he wrote to her which are deceivingly presented in a way to confirm her love bombing accusation, the words LOVE BOMBING come up on screen with a definition, because it is another key psychological term Manson accusers use against him to add credibility to their accusations.

She adds that branding and scarification were part of the love bombing. "He carved an 'E' and I carved an 'M'," she tells Illma. "I carved it right next to my vagina to say that I belonged to him," she adds. This was in January of 2007. Evan then expresses to Illma how she wants to get that scar removed, but Illma reminds her that it could be used as evidence. Then Evan makes a passing comment about a blood pact taking place, where they drank each others blood. Evan shows a photo of the "M" she carved near her vagina for Manson.

I would like to note, that if the scarification and blood pact are true, Evan nowhere mentions this was forced on her. She did it of her own free-will as a grown adult of 20. Just because you regret something years later doesn't mean you can conveniently fit it into a category of criminal abuse. In fact, she seems to imply she did this as an act of love towards Manson, and I'm sure he did it as an act of love, which means it was a mutually agreed upon and mutually approved act. To the audience, however, this abnormal act with an older man must have been manipulated upon her. If Evan did this with a fellow 20 year old, it would be a non-issue.

As we proceed, Evan gets into the topic of Isolation, as the word ISOLATION with its definition forms on the screen, since this is also a psychological word accusers bring against Manson to legitimize their accusations. Evan ridiculously claims Manson severed her relationship with her mom and her family. Meanwhile, as she is saying this, and throughout the documentary, photos of Evan and Manson are shown of them at Disney World that were taken by Evan's parents, which is pretty ironic. Also, Evan described herself in the past as wanting to escape everyone from her past.

In November 2016, Evan told Rolling Stone about her attitude when she began dating Manson:

"I met somebody that promised freedom and expression and no judgments, and I was craving danger and excitement. I looked at my mother one day and said, 'Mom, I'm gonna get on this tour bus for eight months and see the world and have a crazy journey and find myself, and if people aren't OK with that, I'm sorry, but I can't live my life for other people."

Almost a decade earlier in the August issue of Elle U.K. magazine in 2007, Evan confirms this:

"I've seen blogs where I've been called a slut, a whore, that say I should be condemned to death simply because I've fallen in love. Surely the fact that we are both prepared to go through all this proves just how important - and real - our love is, no? Everyone is so worried that I'm losing myself but really I'm finding myself. I've never been more comfortable in my own skin."

And in Interview Magazine from the November 2008 issue, which was nearly two years into Evan's and Manson's relationship, she says:
"I had been in a place where I was letting too many people dictate who I should be and what I should be, and I was trying to make everybody happy to the point where it was just killing me. I’d completely lost myself. It’s kind of funny now that people think I’ve completely changed myself for him, when this is actually the first time in my life that I took a stand and said, 'This is who I am and this is who I’ve always wanted to be, and I’m finally with somebody who lets me be who I want to be.' He never tells me what to do or what to wear or who to be. It’s all my decision and he respects it, and that’s what’s important. So more than the relationship, it’s me out on my own, finding myself and being in an environment where I can do that and learning how to deal with the shit you’re going to get back from it."

Manson in fact gave Evan some good business advice about making sure she gets a fair end of the deal and not get caught up in a raw deal that so many child actors fall into when they become adults, but here Evan sees this good business advice with the added detail of him trying to separate her from her mother, which doesn't seem to be true, at least the way she is explaining it. Evan goes on to make baseless claims that Manson separated her from everyone in her past, which is not true. In fact, Manson even allowed Evan's brother Ira to move in with them (allowing them to live together for the first time since Evan was nine years old), and he spent Christmas with Evan's parents in 2007, and they had a good time together going to Disney World, with Manson especially getting along with Evan's dad. None of these facts are mentioned, of course, because they do not fit Evan's current narrative.

Another big bomb in this documentary is when Evan describes Manson as raping her for the first time on camera, when he allegedly penetrated her against her will during the sex scene of the video for 'Heart-Shaped Glasses'. She says: "Once the cameras were rolling, he started penetrating me for real. I never agreed to that. I'm a professional actress, I've been doing this my whole life, I've never been on a set that unprofessional in my life - up until this day. It was complete chaos, I did not feel safe, no one was looking after me. It was a really traumatizing experience filming the video... I had been trained to never talk back, to just soldier through. I felt disgusting and like I had done something shameful, and I could tell that the crew was really uncomfortable and nobody knew what to do. I was coerced into a commercial sex act under false pretenses. That's when the first crime was committed against me, and I was essentially raped on camera."

Mind you, this is the first time we have heard this bazaar claim by Evan. I find it an extremely silly claim, almost laughable if she wasn't such an awful person for saying it. Even if they did have real sex, can Evan prove she wasn't in on it? To call it rape, did she ever express to Manson not to penetrate her before or during, since they were in a sexual relationship at the time and Manson may have felt perfectly comfortable with doing the act? Evan and her mother talk as if they weren't in a romantic relationship and that there was no playful sexual chemistry allowed. Nonetheless, both denied it was real, and Evan changing the story 15 years later should not be taken seriously, especially when she has a proven agenda to frame Manson.

Evan's mother adds: "Two days later she was talking to me about it and she was shaking and telling me everything was okay." I want to make clear, Evan's mother never says Evan was raped on camera, but that Manson was doing things not described in the script. It seems like this statement by Evan's mother is cleverly edited in at this point to confirm that Evan told her about the rape, but this is probably not true.

I will explain what is happening here. In Evan's narrative, there really was no positive or romantic moment between herself and Manson. Her older self, who has ulterior motives, explains all this through the prism of abuse. Evan describes the many interviews she did in the past about this video, of which I have quotes elsewhere on this website, as a positive thing, and as something romantic that brought her and Manson closer because it was something they created together. Hence now we arrive at this documentary, and this is the point where Evan covers her ass to explain away the positive things she said about filming the video. She says: "Brian was really clear about how I should discuss the video with the press, how I was supposed to tell people we had this great, romantic time, and none of that was the truth. But I was scared to do anything that would upset Brian in any way. The 'Heart-Shaped Glasses' music video was really just the beginning of the violence that would keep escalating over the course of the relationship." I have to ask, what was she afraid of with 'Brian'? Didn't she just say this was the first time he acted against her will? Nothing Evan says holds up.

The documentary at this point goes to Evan coming out as a sexual abuse victim on the day after the presidential election in November of 2016. It shows her going before congress and giving her testimony. She and other "survivors" approached Gloria Allred, a discrimination attorney, with their evidence, but the statute of limitations had expired on her case, so she was therefore encouraged to change the law if she wanted to have anything done about it. Then she and Illma got together and formed the Phoenix Act Coalition.

Illma informs us that she got a call from Evan to help her do research on trying to change the law for the statute of limitations. They are shown in the documentary doing the research and Illma explaining how she was also a victim of domestic violence, so she felt working for Evan's cause was like working for her own. It appears from this documentary that Illma is being misguided by Evan and lied to, and Illma is being used by Evan to confirm her in her narrative that has no merit. I should add at this point that Evan and Illma do not currently follow each other on social media and Illma has so far made no comment about this documentary, despite her increased activity on social media. Their rift may have something to do with the fact that currently the website is down and has been down for many weeks.

Moving on, we come to the point where Evan talks about Manson's childhood and some biographical details of abuse he suffered, all based off of his autobiography and interpreted through Freudian analysis. She is bold enough to say that "he manipulates the truth a lot, so it's really hard to know what's real or what's not, but there's no doubt in my mind that he was severely abused; and I don't know what happened, but something really snapped, and from what I can tell, he really hates women." After she says this, they show a bunch of old footage of Manson joking around and being angry during concerts and backroom antics with fellow band members, all trying to show with seriousness and concern that he is capable of violence, if you interpret these things in a twisted way.

I want to add here that if Manson can bring a lawsuit against Evan, he can do so based on defamation off the statement that "he really hates women." This is not speculated or alleged, but they are giving a psychological analysis on Manson purely for defamatory purposes and he may have a case here. To say "he really hates women" in a plural and general sense should be a statement Evan proves, but she does not, or at least say that it is her own personal belief, but instead Evan is making a psychological evaluation as if she is a professional. And may I add, I think if Manson is guilty of anything, it's the fact that he loves women too much, which I believe is much more provable.

After this we follow Evan and Illma to the State Capital in Sacramento in 2019, where the documentary documents her getting the Phoenix Act passed, and Evan's tears for joy afterward are captured. Though initially the statute of limitations was extended for ten years, it changed on the floor and was lowered to three to five years, and despite that disappointment, she was still happy to change the law. At one point two other accusers, Ashley Walters and Esme Bianco, can be seen tearful as well.

Evan then says: "This isn't about revenge, or like he's a monster and he needs to be punished and destroyed. He's already destroyed. That man is not a man anymore, he is gone." This is where clips from Manson's autobiography are read and scenes are shown to supplement what Evan said, that Manson is not a human being anymore, because he has been absorbed by his character, his persona. She adds: "I don't know who Brian Warner is, honestly. I think Brian Warner died a long time ago. I think he has a lot of different personalities, specifically Marilyn and Manson, two very different people; Brian doesn't really show up."

Here we go with more from Evan the amateur psychologist telling us how to think about Manson. The utter ridiculousness and infantile manner this is expressed reveals a woman who suffers from severe mental illnesses. Evan has admitted she suffers from many mental illnesses, some that pre-date Manson, some she blames on Manson. In this documentary she never talks about herself as having a mental illness. The documentary narrative is that she came across her long lost journals and discovered what Manson did to her. The narrative she has been giving since 2016, however, has been that she didn't realize she was abused by Manson for seven years after their relationship, after she had been diagnosed with PTSD. None of this makes it into the documentary. Maybe part two.

Evan then tries to make Manson out to be a Nazi, displaying a complete ignorance of who Marilyn Manson is. For example, Evan claims that he "always said that Hitler was the first rock star," and that "he had an obsession with him." This is not true. First, Manson never says anything positive about Hitler, and second, Manson has numerous times said that "Jesus Christ was the first rock star." In fact, it was Evan's musical idol David Bowie who said that "Adolf Hitler was the first rock star" during his Thin White Duke era when he implemented Nazi-like elements in his shows and made controversial statements of that nature. Evan even contradicts herself as saying that Manson hated Jews, when he was in love with her who was a Jew. Hitler would never fall in love and want to marry a Jew. In fact, Manson has had a few other Jewish girlfriends, has had a Jew in his band, used Jewish forms of spirituality to make his music, and even attended a Passover or Sabbath with his good friend that is a Jew, Eli Roth, among many other examples that can be cited. Evan admits that she understood Manson's use of Nazi-like imagery and his interest in Weimar Berlin and the Nazi era as a commentary on Nazism or Hitler, but now when she is looking to accuse him of things and make things fit her narrative, she is making him out to be a Jew hating Nazi. Why?

The reason is revealed when her brother Ira adds to this commentary. You see, both Evan and Ira dressed as Hitler and Nazi's on Halloween in 2007 in a party Manson gave in Las Vegas. And this is the reason why this is brought up in the documentary - to cover their asses for all the photos of them together doing cocaine and looking like transvestite Nazi's. Here is one of the least scandalous photos, just for example:

I will address this issue in more detail elsewhere, but for now I will offer this quote among others dealing with Manson's position on Hitler and his use of Nazi imagery. In an interview from the September 16, 2016 issue of The Daily Beast, Manson was asked: "You also collect Nazi memorabilia. Why? What’s the fascination there?" he replies:

"Not Hitler — I thought he was an average watercolor artist. I like the occult aspect of it; it has nothing to do with the political element of it. If anything, they had the best uniforms because Hugo Boss designed them, but other than that, I also like my taxidermy collection."

The documentary continues to show a lot of sinister images of Manson doing things that can easily be misinterpreted when taken out of context, adding to the ridiculousness of this documentary which is clearly using elements of propaganda.

Considerable time is even spent on Manson's infamous Groupie film, with claims that have been thoroughly debunked at this point. The alleged underage girl in the film was in her 20's and her name is Pola Weiss, the violence was fake, she enjoyed playing the role, she was payed for it, and she was Manson's girlfriend for about a month, and has been his friend for years, and has nothing but the kindest words to say about him. But the truth does nothing but debunk their sick, sinister narrative.

As the documentary concludes, Illma Gore suggests that the "evidence" against Manson be moved from her house to some office, because Evan also senses that Manson will come after Illma, since, as she points out, he's getting nervous and is a narcissist, so they move the "evidence" to an office.

While in the office, Evan Rachel Wood reads a list of potential red flags to look out for in order to recognize when human trafficking is taking place. As she reads through the list, she makes believe that she realizes everything can be applied in her case, and now understands that she was a victim of human trafficking. This shows me that she reads these lists in a narcissistic way and applies them to herself in a way that a believer in astrology reads their astrological fate or a sick person reads about their symptoms after a Google search and comes to the conclusion they have a deadly disease; she is just randomly applying everything to herself blindly and claiming to be a victim instead of a professional diagnosing her.

After this Evan describes a twisted tale of isolation that is refuted by quotes I provided above. She says: "Isolation really started when he took me on tour, so he had me all to himself for eight months, in his world, and in his world he's God." As she describes her experiences of touring with Manson, clips are shown from concert documentaries of Manson that pre-date his relationship with Evan and have nothing to do with her, and they are edited in a way to show Manson as being wild and violent and crazy and out of his mind, a total mischaracterization.

Evan says that "on tour was the first time he was ever violent with me. He had been having throat problems so a doctor prescribed him liquid Vicodin for his throat, and he drank the whole bottle, almost, and we were on the bus after the show, and he didn't even know where he was. I started getting scared, because he started becoming really violent and throwing things, and so I just thought now is when the handlers step in and diffuse the situation, and no one did. We showed up at the hotel, the bus parked, and Manson just grabbed me by my arm, and yanked me, in front of everybody. He was just dragging me by the arm into the hotel and no one's doing anything. And he goes in and immediately starts wrecking the room, and smashing things, and yelling, and I look back at the crew member, like 'you're not just gonna leave me here, you gotta help me'. I remember him just starting to slowly close the door, and me going [in a whisper] 'no, no, no, you can't, you can't leave me here'. And this guy I thought was my friend. We had been on tour for a few months at this point. He just shook his head and closed the door. And that's when I knew I wasn't safe."

What does this ridiculous story really tell us? One, Evan didn't properly take care of Manson after he drank the liquid Vicodin; she should have called the doctor and had him checked in for overdosing. Second, she should have separated herself from Manson and allowed his "handlers" to take care of him. They probably thought she was going to help him. Third, why do you assume the "handler" heard you whisper "no" and "wait"? She should have yelled if she really wanted his help, or at least left the room and told him to go back in there and take care of the situation. Lastly, no violence against her is mentioned. Holding an arm while overdosed is not abuse. He should have never been taken to his hotel anyway, if things were as bad as she describes. Manson had an excuse to be a bit out of his mind if he overdosed and got no help, but Evan had no excuse to at least try to help Manson, or at least help herself.

On September 11, 2020, Manson's album We Are Chaos was released. This is where the documentary comes to a close, indicating that this album release is what prompts Evan to come forward and name Manson, which will be examined in part two.

The documentary ends with a statement that the makers of the documentary reached out to "Brian Warner" and his legal representative for comment, but heard nothing back, so they posted a previous statement they had made, which is the most truth this entire documentary contains:

“Mr. Warner vehemently denies any and all claims of sexual assault or abuse of anyone. These lurid claims against my client have three things in common — they are all false, alleged to have taken place more than a decade ago and part of a coordinated attack by former partners and associates of Mr. Warner who have weaponized the otherwise mundane details of his personal life and their consensual relationships into fabricated horror stories.”

Statement from Marilyn Manson's Lawyer

Statement from an Evan Rachel Wood Supporter
Who Was on Set for the Making of the "Heart-Shaped Glasses" Video

Evan Needs To Pay Attention To What She Posts on Instagram
In 2007, Manson said that he needed to hire two crews for the making of "Heart-Shaped Glasses", because one crew hated him due to their conservative views and unwillingness to film a simulated sex scene. On January 24, 2022, Rolling Stone contacted one of these crew members that hated Manson and got him to make a statement. The problem is that Rolling Stone left out the fact that this is a biased testimony, as if there was no division among the crew members. 

