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Bianca Allaine Kyne Issues Statement Attempting to Spin a Recent Court Loss Into a Victory

A little over a week ago I wrote about a significant partial dismissal granted to Marilyn Manson on July 2nd in the lawsuit issued by Bianca Allaine Kyne. First, it stated that Manson's motion to dismiss all allegations in Kyne's complaint referencing sexual abuse as a minor in 1995 when she was 16 years old was granted. Second, any reference to Kyne's own personal drawings of Manson from when she was 16 are to be removed. Third, Kyne is therefore ordered to make a Second Amended Complaint within 30 days removing all of the above. Despite this significant victory of Marilyn Manson in managing to get a partial dismissal in this case, on July 15th Bianca Allaine Kyne and her lawyer Jeff Anderson decided to issue statements spinning their loss into a victory. They argue that since Manson was not granted a full dismissal (which he was not seeking), then he lost and they won in this particular ruling. What Was the Ruling on July 2nd?   When you read the ruling issued on July

Marilyn Manson in the News (January 1 - 12, 2022) - Marilyn Manson Listed and has a Birthday, Rolling Stone Boasted, Ashley Morgan Smithline Unveiled, Evan Rachel Wood's New Documentary

I've been a bit behind in writing about what the latest is in the news related to the Manson case, and since things kept piling on I decided to write an update now before things get out of control. The news had been pretty quiet over the holidays, but has been picking up over the past week.
Marilyn Manson in Several Media Lists 
Noah Shachtman Boasts About his Hit-Piece Against Marilyn Manson 
Noah Shachtman, the shameless Editor-in-Chief of Rolling Stone, who I previously wrote about and who was behind the recent hit-piece against Marilyn Manson that was a self-proclaimed "thorough investigation", boasted in his supposed "bust" of Marilyn Manson, in a tweet on December 31, 2021.

For Esme Bianco, 2021 Was a "Nightmare Gift"
On January 1st, Esme Bianco sent out the following message on Instagram, with a photo from her 2021 Los Angeles Times story.
"2021 was A LOT!" for Ashley Morgan Smithline 
On January 1st, Ashley Morgan Smithline sent out the following message on Instagram, with five photos from her 2021 People Magazine cover story.

A Private Conversation With Ashley Morgan Smithline Unveiled 
On January 2nd the Instagram account known as Exposing Ashley Smithline began to unveil a series of private DM's from Ashley Morgan Smithline to an anonymous person that they obtained. This conversation took place over the course of many months since the accusations against Manson became public. Since January 2nd around 10 new pages have been revealed of this conversation each day, and many more are promised to come with some jaw-dropping revelations. Make sure to follow this account at the link here to keep updated on these daily posts.
Marilyn Manson's Birthday 
On January 5th it was Marilyn Manson's 53rd birthday, with lots of love coming from fans on social media, though there was an eerie silence about it in the media and from celebrities who would normally wish Manson a Happy Birthday. Nonetheless, Manson himself seems to have had a good time, since that night Erin Skold shared the following video on her Instagram account, which features Marilyn and Lindsay Manson, Tim and Erin Skold, and Paula Baby, giving the fans a little performance. Both Erin and Paula also shared some photos as well of their night out at Universal Studios Hollywood where they watched a movie.


Evan Rachel Wood's Instagram

Since 2022 began, Evan Rachel Wood has taken more to Instagram, and especially in the past few days has posted a bunch of new photos of herself. Two photos are of particular importance, posted on January 11th, in which Evan decided to summarize her narrative of abuse with the aid of photographs.

The first photograph she posted was this:

Keep in mind, this is the final version. Previous versions had some differences, as you can see below, the main difference being the replacement of the name "Brian" with the word "Innocent"., as well as the quote in the end.

The second photograph she later posted was this:

For now, I just want to point out the narrative that she is giving, and remind people what she said about her relationship with Manson in Interview Magazine from the November 2008 issue:
"I had been in a place where I was letting too many people dictate who I should be and what I should be, and I was trying to make everybody happy to the point where it was just killing me. I’d completely lost myself. It’s kind of funny now that people think I’ve completely changed myself for him, when this is actually the first time in my life that I took a stand and said, 'This is who I am and this is who I’ve always wanted to be, and I’m finally with somebody who lets me be who I want to be.' He never tells me what to do or what to wear or who to be. It’s all my decision and he respects it, and that’s what’s important. So more than the relationship, it’s me out on my own, finding myself and being in an environment where I can do that and learning how to deal with the shit you’re going to get back from it."
I will get into more details about these photos and captions in a future article, but here we must question why she decided to do this on January 11th. The answer came the next day.

Evan Rachel Wood's Documentary Phoenix Rising Coming Soon

On January 12th, Evan Rachel Wood revealed on Instagram that she has a new documentary coming out on HBO and will premier at the Sundance Film Festival in a few weeks, called Phoenix Rising.

The HBO documentary, which is directed by Amy Berg (who oddly also produced West of Memphis about the West Memphis Three, but has also directed the doc An Open Secret about pedophilia in Hollywood), and produced by Kirsten Sheridan, Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller, is split into two parts, and just part one will screen at Sundance. Per a description, "Actress and activist Evan Rachel Wood takes her experience as a survivor of domestic violence to pursue justice, heal generational trauma, and reclaim her story in a culture that instinctively blames women. The film intimately charts her journey as she moves toward naming her infamous abuser for the first time." The 2022 Sundance Film Festival will be online-only due to the Omicron surge.

According to Variety,

In an interview this week, Berg said that Wood — whom she’d known for years through friends — approached her in 2019 about the film that would turn out to be “Phoenix Rising.” At the time, Berg felt that she wasn’t ready to take it on herself, but helped Wood film as she mounted her Phoenix Act campaign in California, and even sought out other potential directors for the documentary. When COVID-19 hit and everything shut down in spring 2020, Berg changed her mind and decided she wanted to helm the project herself.

“It wasn’t about Marilyn Manson, and his whole world,” Berg said of the origins of the project. “This was about an Erin Brockovich story. We were really focused on telling a story about empowerment, something that would offer resources for women and men who are stuck in abusive situations. And that was what we were making — until she decided to name him publicly.”

Berg and Wood — along with, Berg said, “a number of survivors” whom they were filming even before Wood accused Manson — were in production during COVID with a small crew. “It’s a really intimate portrait of Evan, and I had incredible access,” Berg said.

HBO officially signed onto the project in summer 2020. That September, Berg said Wood decided to accuse Manson after his new album came out, and her veiled allegations against him over the years resurfaced. “People started responding on Twitter, standing in support of Evan,” Berg said. They also learned of an FBI investigation into the singer, which other Manson accusers have also cited — though it’s never been officially confirmed, Berg claims that it’s ongoing.

Part 1 of the documentary ends during that time, with Part 2 — which Berg is still working on — focusing on Wood’s decision to come forward and the aftermath of that choice.

“Naming Manson obviously created a lot more story for us. It became a two-part film in the edit bay,” Berg said.

“Phoenix Rising” is a full portrait of Wood, delving into her family life and her career beginnings as a child actor — “and how she was forced into adulthood from such young age — like ‘Thirteen,’ and those roles,” Berg said.

“She’s so candid with us,” Berg said. “And it’s very personal.”

Personally, I'm very much looking forward to this documentary, because there are questions I want answered, and to be frank, the more Evan talks the more she incriminates herself. As several people have pointed out to me today, this documentary may even be for Manson what Finding Neverland was for Michael Jackson.

