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Bianca Allaine Kyne Issues Statement Attempting to Spin a Recent Court Loss Into a Victory

A little over a week ago I wrote about a significant partial dismissal granted to Marilyn Manson on July 2nd in the lawsuit issued by Bianca Allaine Kyne. First, it stated that Manson's motion to dismiss all allegations in Kyne's complaint referencing sexual abuse as a minor in 1995 when she was 16 years old was granted. Second, any reference to Kyne's own personal drawings of Manson from when she was 16 are to be removed. Third, Kyne is therefore ordered to make a Second Amended Complaint within 30 days removing all of the above. Despite this significant victory of Marilyn Manson in managing to get a partial dismissal in this case, on July 15th Bianca Allaine Kyne and her lawyer Jeff Anderson decided to issue statements spinning their loss into a victory. They argue that since Manson was not granted a full dismissal (which he was not seeking), then he lost and they won in this particular ruling. What Was the Ruling on July 2nd?   When you read the ruling issued on July

After Accusing Instagram of Assaulting Her Neurodivergent Brain, Evan Rachel Wood Dumped Me On Valentine's Day

Evan Rachel Wood has been posting a lot lately on Instagram in her Instastories, especially over the past three weeks or so while starring in the off-broadway production of Little Shop of Horrors, and then a few weeks ago she got sick for a week and had to sit out from performing and missed interviews on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen, Today with Hoda & Jenna and Live with Kelly and Mark (which was rescheduled for February 15th). Her posts rarely have to do with her work and are more focused on inspiring and advising and a bit of rebuking here and there. Then, as the clock struck midnight on the east coast ushering in Valentine's Day, I noticed Evan post the following Instastory:

These are things that Evan has complained about before, but here she seems especially reactive to something she had encountered very recently. It was not long ago where she was blaming Twitter for working against her, which she says was part of the reason she deleted her account there in 2020, even though in fact she did it because she was getting a lot of negative feedback for making controversial statements. Now with Instagram she is giving another excuse to paint herself the victim (which she narcissistically thrives on), by singling out the "suggested accounts" feature. However, a quick Google search will reveal instructions for turning off these "suggested accounts". Basically it is something you have to do for each suggested account you don't like, and over time the algorithm will determine which accounts you don't want and will conform to what you are really looking for. And it should be noted that these suggested accounts are in fact conformed to what you have already taken interest in. They are not that random.

For me, it was just another one of her ridiculous posts that shows how quick she is to make herself a victim of whatever she finds uncomfortable or in opposition to. To describe her reaction to these suggested accounts as "it literally assaults my neurodivergent brain" is a bit dramatic, especially when it is something you can quickly scroll through without having to process it. And to complain that she was getting "unsolicited advice from places I never asked for it, which make me doubt myself and question things I felt fine about," only reveals that she is not looking to challenge herself and forbids her way of thinking from being challenged; she only wants her thoughts and feelings about herself confirmed. This fact urged me to make the following sarcastic remarks when I reposted it in my Instastories:

A few hours later, I had a feeling that Evan may have deleted that post, since she has done so in the past. When I went to check with my Marilyn Manson Uncanceled account, I noticed that I had been removed from following Evan on Instagram. I was surprised a bit, though also surprised I lasted so long. I guess I was more surprised that I had been dumped by Evan Rachel Wood on Valentine's Day, and the day before my birthday on top of that. Since I follow Evan on my personal account from before I started my MMU account, I checked and noticed she had deleted the above-mentioned Instastory, just as I anticipated. But what did I have to do with it, except reposting it with some sarcastic comment?

This is what I think happened. Evan was scrolling through Instagram, and since I follow her, perhaps one of the few if only Manson supporting accounts, she was suggested to follow me back. No doubt she has searched for Manson related material on Instagram before as well, so it is no surprise that Manson stuff would be suggested to her. She may be aware of who I am and what I do, not sure, even though I probably have written more about her than anyone in her lifetime, but she apparently came across something that tempted her to doubt herself and question herself, and I really think that this is Manson related from an account or accounts that do in fact doubt her and question her. Clearly my account was targeted by her, so as far as I'm concerned it is at least partially my account that she is referring to in her post.

But did she have to dump me on Valentine's Day? 

Doctors had predicted me to be a Valentine baby. Yet I was born at 12:02 am on a February 15th many years ago. It was as if I was destined for love to elude me.
