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Bianca Allaine Kyne Issues Statement Attempting to Spin a Recent Court Loss Into a Victory

A little over a week ago I wrote about a significant partial dismissal granted to Marilyn Manson on July 2nd in the lawsuit issued by Bianca Allaine Kyne. First, it stated that Manson's motion to dismiss all allegations in Kyne's complaint referencing sexual abuse as a minor in 1995 when she was 16 years old was granted. Second, any reference to Kyne's own personal drawings of Manson from when she was 16 are to be removed. Third, Kyne is therefore ordered to make a Second Amended Complaint within 30 days removing all of the above. Despite this significant victory of Marilyn Manson in managing to get a partial dismissal in this case, on July 15th Bianca Allaine Kyne and her lawyer Jeff Anderson decided to issue statements spinning their loss into a victory. They argue that since Manson was not granted a full dismissal (which he was not seeking), then he lost and they won in this particular ruling. What Was the Ruling on July 2nd?   When you read the ruling issued on July

Marilyn Manson in the News (February 15-24, 2022) - 'Daily Mail' is a Daily Fail, Evan Rachel Wood Gets Cryptic, 'Phoenix Rising' News Update, Marilyn Manson Performs at Donda 2 Listening Party

- Daily Mail Trying To Be Different In Their Marilyn Manson Coverage (Part 1)

There has been a trend over at the Daily Mail lately to stand apart from the rest of the media in their coverage of Marilyn Manson, by purchasing two usually blurry paparazzi photos at a time of Marilyn Manson and writing an "exclusive" story around it. This has been done in the past, and it continued on February 15th when they got a hold of two exclusive photos of Marilyn Manson and his wife Lindsay attending Kanye West's (Ye's) Sunday Service on Superbowl Sunday.

The articles are written by Deirdre Simonds and this one bore the following misleading title: "Marilyn Manson and wife Lindsay Usich seen together for FIRST time at Kanye West's Sunday Service since his ex-fiancee Evan Rachel Wood and multiple other women accused him of sexual and psychological abuse". Now any journalist who would bother to do just a little bit of internet research before writing an article about someone would find that Marilyn Manson and Lindsay have made a number of public appearances together in the past year, not only at almost weekly Sunday Services since this past summer, but also on Instagram in photos that have been circulating of the two out and about in Los Angeles. It's as if the Daily Mail is trying to create a controversy that Lindsay isn't supporting Manson, or maybe has just come around to it.


It's not only the headline of this article that is misleading, but the contents of the article display a tremendous ignorance of what is happening. For example, even though everyone at the Sunday Service was dressed in black, the article tries to make it sound like only Manson and Lindsay were dressed in black in order to "lay low". Then they describe Manson as kneeling on the ground in prayer, when any observer can see from the photos that he is not kneeling, rather his legs are obstructed by the seating in front of him.

The observations made in this article are extremely disturbing, even though these are seemingly small issues. When "journalists" get such obvious things wrong, you can only imagine how wrong they are when they actually have to use those same brains to distinguish major facts from falsehoods. The fact that reporters are almost always wrong in their reporting when actual thought should be involved says a lot about the state of media today. Furthermore, when you read the article beyond the two short and misleading paragraphs about the photos, the great majority of it is a rehashing of Manon's alleged abuse retold the same way in every article they write about him, with the same photos too, thus displaying their purpose in writing the article in the first place - to cozy up to their Me Too friendly audience.

- Evan Rachel Wood's Cryptic Instagram Story

While Evan Rachel Wood is more known for being straightforward in what she has to say, on February 21st she posted a very cryptic photo to her Instagram stories. Those who have seen Fellini's Spirits of the Dead will recognize it as coming from the third segment of the film, titled "Toby Dammit". I find the photo to be cryptic enough that I have no idea what Evan's intention is in posting it, but knowing that this is a favorite film of Marilyn Manson, I don't think I should ignore or skip over it either. The story is based off of an Edgar Allan Poe story Never Bet the Devil Your Head, and the girl in white holding the ball is supposed be a representation of the devil in the film who haunts the former Shakespearean actor in the story, Toby Dammit. 
I'm not going to attempt to make an interpretation of why Evan posted this photo, but it seems to me that it does have something to do with Manson. The little girl who represents the devil is almost Evan-like, and the atmosphere does resemble the animations of Evan in Phoenix Rising, but I won't say more because there may not be any connection whatsoever. If you want to get a quick take of what the film is about, read this. I encourage the reader to watch the film and decide for themselves. I will say, however, that there is an interesting resemblance between the girl in the film and the photos of Esme Bianco shot by Manson for Phantasmagoria in 2011, which she also posted on her official website after they broke up; check out the comparison below.

- Phoenix Rising Trailer and Air Date Announced

On February 22nd the trailer for Phoenix Rising was posted, along with the date it is set to air. It is described as a "Tale Of Survival And Activism". The tag line for the film is "When the law's don't protect you, change them." It is summarized as follows: "Phoenix Rising charts Wood’s journey from silent victim to vocal survivor and her rise to a domestic violence advocate." She must be so proud her hoax has been so successful to be recognized as such.

Phoenix Rising had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival and will debut on HBO on back-to-back nights. Part 1, “Phoenix Rising: Don’t Fall,” debuts TUESDAY, MARCH 15 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT and Part 2, “Phoenix Rising: Stand Up” debuts WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 at the same time. Both episodes will be available to stream on HBO Max beginning Tuesday, March 15.

As for the significance of it airing on the 15th of March, it may have something to do with the Ides of March, it may have something to do with Manson and Evan sharing a "15" tattoo, or it may just be a coincidence.


- Marilyn Manson Performs With Ye (Kanye West) at the Donda 2 Listening Party

To mark the release of Donda 2 on 02/22/22, Ye held a listening party in Miami like the one in Chicago for Donda 1. For weeks we have been informed that Ye and Manson were collaborating together, and thanks especially to the Instagram notifications of Manson's music partner Tim Skold, much of Manson's participation of the event in Miami was documented for us. Manson, Ye, and DaBaby performed "Jail 2" together off of Donda 1, and based on the performance and backstage photos and videos, it seemed like Manson was a lot more comfortable and happy to be where he was. He was joined in Miami not only by Tim Skold, but by his wife Lindsay as well. Below are various photos and videos from the event, as well as the full performance which I uploaded on my YouTube channel.

Following the performance, #MarilynManson went viral on Twitter, though for all the wrong reasons. I personally could not find one positive comment about Manson performing with Ye, but instead there was great dismay that Ye was performing with a "rapist" and "abuser". To be fair, if you're not a Manson fan, you have really no idea what is really going on with the Manson case, because the media has totally sided with the accusers and have not taken the other side into consideration. In fact, disgraced rock magazine Rolling Stone was the first to cast the first stone at Manson's attendance in Miami from its high moralistic throne. Other media sources followed suit. However, Ye's circle of friends have seemed to fully embrace Manson, and Manson seems quite content with his new "church friends". Social media is full of voices that primarily focus on anger and frustration, and rarely do you get how feelings are in the real world. The reality of the matter is that most people hardly know about nor do they care that Marilyn Manson is performing. If someone does have an opinion of Manson, it's probably no different from what it was 20 years ago, whether positive or negative. I think this was a very positive step in the right direction for Manson, and two heroes that deserve special praise and honorable mention for standing by Manson's side the most, besides his wife Lindsay, are Tim Skold and Ye (Kanye West).  
- Daily Mail Trying To Be Different In Their Marilyn Manson Coverage (Part 2)

The next day, on February 23rd, the Daily Mail published two blurry paparazzi shots again to build off of, in order to connect Manson with his accusers and recent scandalous headlines. In these photos, Manson and Lindsay are captured together in a car leaving the listening party in Miami. Manson is said to have "looked exhausted after performing with the rapper." They make this supposed "observation", which in fact is ageist, not based on how Manson looks, however, but by noting that he is 53 while Ye is 44. They have a tendency of referring to Manson as "disgraced rocker", among other things. In one note, Daily Mail is so careless in their editing that they even refer to Manson as "her". Then the rest of the article, like all the Manson related articles by the Daily Mail, go into many paragraphs describing his abuse cases and recent controversial headlines.

