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Watch Marilyn Manson Make a Valentine's Day Dedication To His Wife Lindsay

Valentine's Day has long been a significant day for Marilyn Manson for many reasons, but this year it so happened that Marilyn Manson and his wife Lindsay celebrated Valentine's Day in Brno, Czech Republic while on his European tour. Earlier in the day, both Manson and Lindsay posted a series of photos for Valentine's Day. The photos of Manson were photographed by Lindsay, and one was captioned "They’d remember this as Valentine’s Day" (which Lindsay captioned as "Always") while the other said "Meet Me In Purgatory" (which Lindsay captioned as "within the fog and trees"). View this post on Instagram A post shared by Marilyn Manson (@marilynmanson) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lindsay Elizabeth Warner (@lindsayusichofficial) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Marilyn Manson (@marilynmanson) View this post on Instagram ...

LADA Drops Charges in the Four Year Criminal Investigation of the Marilyn Manson Allegations

On January 24th 2025, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office issued the following announcement in the decision on the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault allegations against Brian Warner, a.k.a. Marilyn Manson:

Within a few hours of issuing this statement, it was deleted from their website and all social media accounts and edited as follows.

The difference between the two statements are they added an Update on top and they removed a line from the third paragraph which in the original statement said "necessitated by the facts and evidence in this matter." I have little doubt that Evan or Esme disputed this part of the statement and the LADA complied out of fear. Both Evan and Esme would never concede to having their "compelling evidence" downplayed. Eliminating this part of the statement instead allows them to ignore the evidence aspect and focus on the statute of limitations, which would help them elevate their victim status and promote their advocacy by trying to change laws that did not work in their favor.

The reasons given by the LADA for not bringing any charges against Manson are twofold:

1. The allegations of domestic violence fall outside of the statute of limitations.

2. Insufficient evidence, that is, charges of sexual assault beyond a reasonable doubt could not be proven.

The four women who primarily brought charges against Marilyn Manson for the criminal investigation were Evan Rachel Wood, Esme Bianco, Chloe Black and Ashley Walters.

It should be made clear, in California, the statute of limitations for domestic violence after the Phoenix Act was passed in 2020 was five years, and increased to seven years in 2024 with Phoenix Act 2.0. In their Civil Cases, the reason the charges brought by Esme Bianco, Chloe Black and Ashley Walters against Manson were not dismissed despite all of them falling outside the statute of limitations was because the Judge in each case decided the timeline was murky due to the fact that they all claimed to have repressed the memories of their abuse. Thus they tried as much as possible to drive any allegation they could as far forward in the timeline as they could.  This is why Evan Rachel Wood claimed Manson threatened her and her son in 2014, which is the last time they ever saw each other, but because this was one year off from the statute of limitations Evan was unable to bring any Civil Case against Manson. Esme Bianco and Ashley Walters however claimed they had repressed memories till 2018 and 2020, while Chloe Black claimed she had repressed memories of her assault till 2021, which placed them within the statute of limitations time bracket, though they would have to prove in court that they indeed had repressed memories.

Therefore, when the LADA says in the statement above that the "allegations of domestic violence fall outside of the statute of limitations," this means that claims of repressed memories by these women were also dismissed. And since all the allegations against Manson depend on these resurfaced memories, then all allegations brought to light through the alleged recovery of their memories are also dismissed.

Besides the repressed memories and the allegations of domestic violence associated with them and brought to light through the alleged recovery of memories through therapy or any other means being rejected by the LADA, it was also decided that any evidence that could corroborate any of their allegations was found to be insufficient, leaving them vulnerable to reasonable doubt.

Thus, "after a comprehensive four-year investigation into allegations of domestic violence and sexual assault against Warner, charges will not be filed."

Because of this decision in Manson's favor, the LADA had to include in their statement words that would encourage real survivors of domestic violence to come forward. They also had to applaud the efforts of Evan, Esme and Walters among others who helped bring about greater awareness and change in the laws of domestic violence. To not do so would look bad on the state of California, despite them having weak cases for themselves. Because of their efforts with the Phoenix Act and other things in this regard, to expose them as frauds would greatly impact these issues negatively and would prove harmful for real survivors. This is the unfortunate result of false accusers aligning themselves with leadership positions in important aspects of society where they end up doing more harm then good.

Howard King, Manson's attorney, also issued the following statement to Billboard:

He elaborated further in a statement to Page Six:

A source also told Page Six the following:

And a source close to Marilyn Manson told TMZ:

No attorney statement from any of the accusers has been issued as of yet, but both Esme Bianco and Evan Rachel Wood did issue statements that were circulated to the press and on social media. Esme Bianco said the following:

Essentially what Esme Bianco is saying in her ridiculous and cringe-worthy statement is that Nathan J. Hochman, who she recently endorsed as the Los Angeles District Attorney, the experienced prosecutors from the Sex Crimes Division of the District Attorney’s Office, along with detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, were unable to make a fair decision against Manson because they are bound to a system that works against real survivors. By this she primarily means the statute of limitations laws. Of course, she completely ignores the fact that the evidence did not back up her weak claims that have repressed memories as a foundation. Nor does she consider the injustices of eradicating the statute of limitations (this is her goal), which have been put in place to ensure that justice is served to the greatest possible degree, but instead wants the law to revolve around her and thus she desires to be above the law. And yes, Esme does know the truth, which involves a series of lies, to the point where she laughably made herself a sex trafficking victim of Manson. Over time the real truth will be revealed. The real evidence is out there which has yet to see the light of day, and it does not favor Esme's fraudulent claims in the least. In this statement she reveals her true aim, to go from being a failed actress to an inspiring activist for real abused women. Domestic abuse advocacy can only decline with frauds like Esme Bianco at the helm.

Evan Rachel Wood said the following:

In her statement, Evan claims that Deputy District Attorneys and the deputies of the Sheriff told her that she in fact did have compelling evidence and it was only the statute of limitations that prevented charges against Manson from being filed. Of course, this is ridiculous and typical of Evan to mislead and contradict the actual statement of the LADA. Maybe initially before the investigation she was told this, and it prompted the investigation, but I doubt they told her this during or after the investigation. Again, it is typical of Evan to leave out important information like the date when she was told this for us to determine if the LADA is lying to us. This is how Evan likes to twist facts and manipulate people into always perceiving her as the victim. Like Esme, Evan only wants to focus on the statute of limitations issue without exploring everything else, including the fact that there was insufficient evidence supporting her claims. And like Esme, her statement is really about advocating for the elimination all together of the statute of limitations. Because they see the law as a barrier, they both believe they should therefore change the law because they both view themselves as being above the law. I doubt Evan has even cared to really do some research why the statute of limitations laws exist in the first place. It seems she only wants to eliminate it to create in victims a greater awareness of one's victimhood by making the law their enemy.

Evan even posted an article titled "Why Rape Cases Should Not Be Subject To Reasonable Doubt". The article argues that because there are low conviction rates in rape cases, it must be because criminal cases are held to the standard of reasonable doubt, and those on juries believe in "rape myths" like blaming the victims, especially downgrading the credibility of women. Therefore, according to the article, when it comes to rape, they should be judged by the standards of a civil case which does not require reasonable doubt. The obvious problem with this is that in a civil case no one goes to prison, which is why standards are held a bit lower to win a case. Overall, the article advocates for unreasonable injustices commonly advocated by modern feminists who think they are above the law and therefore seek to change laws that don't serve their own particular wants and theories. If you want a good example of how nonsensical and dumb Evan's theories are, read this article.

Marilyn Manson and his wife Lindsay have given no written statements, but both of them did repost in their Instagram stories a photo from May 15, 2023 which is captioned "There is light in the darkness." It is a photo which captures their unity and resilience amid the darkness encompassing them:

Hours later we were informed through the Instagram account of Paz de la Huerta that both Manson and Lindsay celebrated by attending her Los Angeles art exhibition opening. This is especially interesting when one considers the fact that Love Bailey accused Manson of raping Paz in her presence, which Paz strongly denies and has issued statements in defense of Manson's innocence.
Congratulations to Manson and Lindsay on their biggest legal victory!


